Thank you for contacting us about Philips/AVENT Feeding Bottles. We are very sorry about the trouble you are experiencing with our bottles and we would like to give you a piece advice that may help you resolve these problems.
Our teats have an exclusive Anti-Colic valve, which is meant to avoid the air going into your baby's tummy, and instead sends that air into the bottle. This valve is made of silicone and you will see it if you look at the teat from underneath. It looks like a short silicone skirt. The reason of the leaking is related to the assembling process.
To avoid any leaking, fit the teat into the ring, upright ready for use, then place the dome lid firmly onto the white ring and screw this three piece unit unto the bottle, holding by the clear dome lid. DO NOT OVERTIGHT the bottle, as this actually will crease or fold the Anti-Colic valve and will create a tiny gap that will make the bottle leak.
The more you overtight the bottle, the more it will leak. The best way to know when you have to stop screwing the white ring is when you can feel that only the dome lid is turning on its own. That pressure will be enough to seal your bottle and will not affect the Anti-Colic valve.
We would also like to remind you that all the teats MUST BE REPLACED for new ones after three months of use. A teat that has over passed its lifespan might leak. If that is your case, we advise you to buy new teats and try again, it might solve your problem immediately.
Important advice for formula milk feeding:
The anti-colic valve can be clogged and may cause the white ring to leak if you do not dissolve thoroughly the powder milk in the water or if you leave any milk powder residue on the bottle's neck when mixing formula milk.
Please follow this advice, but if problems continue, please contact the following address for Malaysia matters:
Thank you
Philips / Avent
Consumer Service Advisor
Balik nie i will follow AVENT advise .. tp kalau jadi same thing jgk i will complaint again to their customer service again ... so my other friends.. mommies 2... please share your experience regarding this issue ... i really appreciate it ..
Thanks ...
Thanks ...

askum diana,samalah kita i pun ada beli bottle avent, i ada 10 bottle..memang i pun ada problm yg sama..setiap kali bila nak goncang mesti leak punya..tension sgt..e'pecialy waktu mlm tgh ngantuk2 baby nak minum susu.mula2 gaduh jugak dgn hubby,pastu i wat mcm mana yg avent tu ckp..ok ..tapi kadang2 leak jugak..pasti ni nak try Dr.Brown pulak tak pun tomme tippe...
TQ yanti share ur xperience ... balik ni nk try .. kalau sama gaks buang masa jer .. rasa rugi beli teats & bottle baru ..2 weeks dah defect .. i tukar teats setiap bulan ... x tgu 3 bulan pun .. kalau problem i nk tukar to other product .......
ada faced this when my kids were small,
but i never used avent, tapi tupperware milk bottles..
yes u hv to place the compartment bebetui proper, if not mmg leak...
selamat menyusu...
Thanks muadz for the info .. balik ni itry follow ur advise .. kalau x berjaya ...huwaaaa.... mau nangis kena bajet beli botol lain .. brand lain ....
diana..sama la mai.igtkan sbb susu panas sgt sampai tumpah2.kdg2 lgi tension pgi2 kasik nasya minum dlm kete..abis basah leher2 dia, sampai kene baju semua..menci tul..pastu igtkan salah botol..pgila buang botol tu pastu beli botol baru..cuma tak la sebijak diana nak gi complaint kat avent..lepas ni nak ikut tips ni..kalau tak jadik gak, mcmna yek?
diana..zam pon kena byk kali dah pasal bocor nih..slalu time rush jer..goncang2 kluar ayer meleleh..ermm..sabar je lah
Actually there is a way to get around the leak problem, check it out
Gua ngan bini gua pon pernah hadapi masalah yang sama... tapi pada permulaan jer... pastue kitorang baca balik betul-betul manual dalam kotak tue... baru la kitorang tau...
1. Tak perlu ketatkan sangat kepala botol susu tue...
2. Selalu rendam satu set kepala tue dalam air suam... untuk clearkan clog dier..
3. Kalu antar anak kat nanny.. kena peringatkan dier pasai kepala botol susu tue... jangan ketat... one lock dah cukup...
Asslmkm saya yana disini saya ingin kongsikan bagaimana nak elak leaking pada bahagian puting susu botol avent nie. Dl sakit ms ml2 pkai botol nie mmg rs nk hempas botol nie kat dinding sbb asik leaking jer. So saya dah jumpa dah penawarnye kini kelima-lima btl susu avent saya nie dah tak buat hal dah senang jer pisahkan puting susu dgn kepala susu kemudian mskkan air dalam periuk rebus puting susu ngn set kepala tu dalam 15minit @ 20mnt apabila air dah sejuk pasang semula tadaaa.. mslh leaking xakan ada smpi bl2 hahaha rebus la semggu sekali lg pon bgus nk buang kotoran degil pd puting susu tu. Selamat mencuba
Kedai apple house ckp puting x leh rendam air pns nanti mengecut
Da mcm2 buat da follow da instruction mcm avent advice but still jd lg, xtaw da ke berapa puluh teats da beli okla betahan 2 3 mggu than leak lagi sian ank mnum susu basah meleleh susu kt leher. Da try ganti tommee tippi tp dipandang sepi je botol tu bg avent laju abes adoiii
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